Breech babies
Webster’s technique is a chiropractic technique used in helping breech presenting babies be able to turn to a head down position. Ideally it is used as a preventative measure, but is often used at the end of pregnancy when a baby is presenting breech. In these instances, frequent visits prior to birth can be used to help the baby turn. This is accomplished by creating the necessary space the baby needs to turn. The technique does not involve pushing on the baby to move it, rather, it is allowing the baby the space in the uterus it needs to move by balancing the pelvis and removing tension on the uterus.
Additionally, I use muscle activation to help the muscles surrounding the uterus and pelvis to create lasting correction. I also find that stress can play a part, and I find releasing stress, using NET, is often helpful in the process of helping breech presenting babies turn head down.
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